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Friday, April 4, 2008

Learn to Utilize Easy Site Navigation

Is your author website easy to navigate? I’ve been to websites where it was a nightmare to find specific information. One key in sales is to make it easy for people to buy from you. Make it simple and keep it uncomplicated.

Create A Consistent Author Website

One thing that I like is a consistent layout on each web page. This is my preference and you can feel free to disagree. But, when I visit a site and want to look at all the content, it is much easier to keep track when the links on each page are identical. On each site that I design, the layout is consistent and I get many compliments from visitors about how easy it is to find their way around the site.

Encourage Readers To Examine Your Author Web Pages

When a person clicks on one of my promotional websites, I want them to stick around and read multiple pages. I track my visitor stats, and most visitors click on at least 10 to 15 pages out of 25 to 45, depending on which site they visit. In some cases one page leads to another. This encourages them to spend more time and to see more of my work. Your site can work the same way.

When you visit other websites, pay attention to the way they are designed. Are your page links on one side, across the top or across the bottom? Is one layout easier to use than another? You can also ask friends what type of website layout they prefer. It never hurts to get a variety of thoughts and input from others.

Use a Site Map For Your Book Promotional Website

It is helpful to use a site map for your website. When your site gets very big, it is impossible to create a link to every page. In this case a site map can be invaluable. There have been many times when I needed a page and the site map was the easiest way to find the information.

Another benefit to a site map is that search engines like them. This is an additional way to attract search engines and help your visitors by creating a site map.

In closing – make it easy for new and repeat visitors to find what they want. If you make it too complicated, they will find another place to make their purchase.

Nikki Leigh
Author of the Book Promo 101 Series

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