The latest posts and all old posts from this blog have been moved -- http://promo101tips.wordpress.com Please visit us there for the most up to date promotional ideas, tips and articles.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

FREE Promotional Options For Author

ANY published author is welcome to submit these questions and answers to promote their books. The cover blog always has a long waiting list, but most of the others will allow you to be posted within a few weeks.

To use any of these blogs - click on the link, click on "how to submit" in the top corner of the blog and follow the instructions. I ask that you send the questions and answers as an RTF file. It is also good to send a jpg file of your book cover - no PDF files for the cover art. When you complete the interview, send to nikki_leigh22939@yahoo.com with the blog title in the subject line and I will add you to the list for that blog.

I have divided the blog lists for fiction and non fiction books to make it easier to find the ones you need. I've added several new blogs lately - so if you've been here before - there are some new options.

Two quick updates -

The print edition of Book Promo 101 is complete and available. The print book is oversize 8" x 10" and the layout is gorgeous.

I offer a wide array of promotional services to authors. Feel free to take a look at the possibilities and contact me with questions. If you are interested in something that you don't see listed, let me know and we can talk. For a list of these services visit - www.nikkileigh.com/promo.htm

I offer a wide assortment of virtual book tour options and the current list is located at http://virtualblogtour.blogspot.com/2008/04/virtual-blog-tour-options.html - there are a number of options and price ranges or we can talk about other options.

The Judge the Cover blog and the Start at the Beginning blog usually have a long backlog. I think that’s because these two blogs are the easiest. But, I’ve gotten great feedback from authors who used the other blogs. Those blogs require that the author dig deeper into the creation, the setting, the characters and much more information to complete the interviews.

Promotional Blogs for Fiction Books

http://authorpets.blogspot.com/ - Share your furry writing companions
How to Submit - http://authorpets.blogspot.com/2008/08/how-to-submit.html

http://itsallinthesetting.blogspot.com/ - Details about story setting.
How to Submit –

http://animalsinbooks.blogspot.com/- Discuss animals in your book.
How to Submit - http://animalsinbooks.blogspot.com/2008/05/how-to-submit-your-book.html

http://badguysandvillains.blogspot.com/ - Villains in your book.
How to Submit –

http://shareyourheroine.blogspot.com/ - Heroine in your book.
How to Submit - http://shareyourheroine.blogspot.com/2007/07/share-your-heroine.html

http://shareyourhero.blogspot.com/ - Hero in your book.
How to Submit - http://shareyourhero.blogspot.com/2007/07/share-your-hero.html

http://mybestfriendsstory.blogspot.com/ - Best Friend
How to Submit - http://mybestfriendsstory.blogspot.com/2007/07/how-to-submit.html

http://startwithfacts.blogspot.com/ - Share Book Details
How to Submit – http://startwithfacts.blogspot.com/2007/07/how-to-submit.html

http://frombookstomovies.blogspot.com/ - From Books to the Movies
If a movie was made about your book, which actors and actresses would play the main characters? This is your chance in case a movie of your book and it can be a lot of fun.
How to Submit – http://frombookstomovies.blogspot.com/2007/08/how-to-submit.html

http://lethimtalk.blogspot.com/ - Interview a Male Character
How to Submit - http://lethimtalk.blogspot.com/2007/11/how-to-submit.html

http://lethertalkabit.blogspot.com/ - Interview a Female Character
How to Submit - http://lethertalkabit.blogspot.com/2007/11/how-to-submit.html

http://detailwithnikkileigh.blogspot.com/ - In Detail With Nikki Leigh
Give potential readers more information about you and your background.
How to Submit – http://detailwithnikkileigh.blogspot.com/2007/09/how-to-submit.html

http://beforeiwaspublished.blogspot.com/ - Before I Was Published
Tell us about what you did before you were published and especially include anything that relates to your books and your writing.
How to Submit - http://beforeiwaspublished.blogspot.com/2008/02/tell-us-your-story.html

http://currenteventsinbooks.blogspot.com/- Can you tie a topic or element from your book with current events? This is the place to submit them. Send them to me and I'll review them.
How to Submit - http://currenteventsinbooks.blogspot.com/2008/08/how-to-submit.html

http://bookpromo101.blogspot.com/ - Do you have interesting promotional ideas and suggestions that you would like to share with other authors?

How to Submit - http://bookpromo101.blogspot.com/2008/08/how-to-submit-your-promotional.html

http://judgebookbycover.blogspot.com/ - Share your book cover.
How to Submit –

http://startatbeginning.blogspot.com/ - Share your First Chapter
How to Submit – http://startatbeginning.blogspot.com/2007/07/how-to-submit.html

Promotional Blogs for Non-Fiction Books

http://startwithfacts.blogspot.com/ - Share Details about Non Fiction Books
How to Submit – http://startwithfacts.blogspot.com/2007/07/how-to-submit.html

http://animalsinbooks.blogspot.com/- Talk about animals in your book.
How to Submit - http://animalsinbooks.blogspot.com/2008/05/how-to-submit-your-book.html

http://authorpets.blogspot.com/ - Share your furry writing companions
How to Submit - http://authorpets.blogspot.com/2008/08/how-to-submit.html

http://detailwithnikkileigh.blogspot.com/ - In Detail With Nikki Leigh
Give potential readers more information about you and your background.
How to Submit – http://detailwithnikkileigh.blogspot.com/2007/09/how-to-submit.html

http://beforeiwaspublished.blogspot.com/ - Before I Was Published
Tell us about what you did before you were published and especially include anything that relates to your books and your writing.
How to Submit - http://beforeiwaspublished.blogspot.com/2008/02/tell-us-your-story.html

http://currenteventsinbooks.blogspot.com/- Can you tie a topic or element from your book with current events? This is the place to submit them. Send them to me and I'll review them.
How to Submit - http://currenteventsinbooks.blogspot.com/2008/08/how-to-submit.html

http://bookpromo101.blogspot.com/ - Do you have interesting promotional ideas and suggestions that you would like to share with other authors?
How to Submit - http://bookpromo101.blogspot.com/2008/08/how-to-submit-your-promotional.html

http://judgebookbycover.blogspot.com/ - Share your book cover.
How to Submit –

http://startatbeginning.blogspot.com/ - Share your First Chapter

How to Submit – http://startatbeginning.blogspot.com/2007/07/how-to-submit.html

I reserve the right to refuse to post any submissions, but so far I haven't needed to turn anyone away. I did edit a couple of first chapters to maintain a PG-13 rating for my visitors. That could be one of the reasons why some have such a long waiting list. All the blogs are listed on my Blogger profile which is located at - www.blogger.com/profile/00985309338453728557.

Nikki Leigh
Author of the Book Promo 101 Series
Author Promotional Services - www.nikkileigh.com/promo.htm

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Details with Christee Gabour Atwood

Tell us the book title and your author name.

Three Feet Under: Journal of a Midlife Crisis
Christee Gabour Atwood

What inspired the book?A desire to laugh at myself and see if anybody else laughed along. And the fact that I had a rent payment due.

This book has also been therapy for me. I don’t like it when I see people upset by midlife experiences, when I see the lack of appreciation of elastic waistbands, and also when I see airbrushed supermodels creating unrealistic ideals of what beauty is. Writing this book has helped me put those thoughts on paper and see that I’m not the only who thinks that way.

What makes this book special to you?

This book is special because it made me realize that it’s okay to be myself and to write what I enjoy reading. I discovered that if I write something that appeals to me, at least I have an audience of one. I can build from there.

What makes this a book that other people MUST read and WHY?

People must read this or I’ll come to their houses and talk to them. Yes, be afraid. Be very afraid.

It’s also a great book for airplane trips and trips to the bathroom. Not as a toilet paper replacement, but as short format reading for the attention-challenged like myself. I get bored and trail off when…

It’s also a chance to laugh if you recognize yourself in any of these episodes. And isn’t that what makes life fun?

If laughter is the best medicine, this book replaces at least one dose of fluoxetine. (If you recognize that drug, welcome to my club. You need this book.)

What people NEED to read this book and WHY?

Everyone in the world needs to read this book. Is that too obvious?

Okay, almost everybody in the world needs to read this book. Infants can wait a few years before they pick it up. People need to read this book to help them understand friends who are going through midlife crisis, to prepare themselves for surviving it, or just to laugh at midlifers. Either way, they’ll get a laugh. Or they’ll decide they never want to sit next to me on a plane. Either one is a valuable lesson.

What sparks your creativity? Any tips to help others spark their own creativity?

You know what’s funny? I get creative when I get angry. I found that writing is my therapy. I remember coming home from a job interview and banging on my typewriter (yes, this was a while back) and complaining about the guy with seven strands of hair draped across his head who seemed more interested in doodling on his desk blotter than in my brilliant answers to questions. So I wrote and wrote and little by little the anger started getting really funny. I took the interview to the furthest extreme by describing the fellow as a superhero who only interviewed people in between saving the world from fast food drive-thru workers. From this experience, my humor column was born.

We decide our responses to situations. Anything that makes us mad can also make us laugh. We just have to flip it and take it to the extreme.

What has been the biggest stumbling block in your writing? Can you share some tips to help others get past similar problems?

The biggest stumbling block in my writing is the attachment of my rear end to a chair. I found that the answer for me was to start with short format materials.

With the attention span of an over-caffeinated gnat, it really helped to be able to sit down and write a humor column that was complete at the end of the sitting. It was those humor columns that eventually became the basis for this book.

Also, try writing the worst book you can. This really helps relieve the pressure we put on ourselves when writing. Geez, even Pavarotti had to clear his throat before he sang. Plan to write a lot of phlegm before some good words sneak onto the page.

What do you think motivates people to become authors? What motivated you to get into this unusual industry?

People become authors because they like to be abused by editors, agents, and critics. Because they feel that performance appraisals by one boss are not enough. Instead they want their work appraised by everyone, including that crotchety woman who said that no one has written a good book since Gone With The Wind. In other words, we write because we’re insane.

I became a writer because I love the thrill of creating a world and living in it while writing the story. I get depressed when the story is finished because I don’t want to leave. It’s like the darkness in the theatre when a good movie fades to black. It’s nice because you were there, but you still want more.

It’s also therapy and is a heck of a lot cheaper than a psychiatrist.

Tell me about the most unusual things you have done to promote any books?

Last year, for National Novel Writing Month, I put on a chicken suit and sat in the window of a Waldenbooks for a month, writing a novel called, “Danger, Deceit, and a Demon … named Myron”. I got some incredible press – in fact, you can even see the article on CBS News webpage at http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2006/12/08/print/main2241177.shtml

I was on the national radio show, The Satellite Sisters, and other various radio shows, television shows, and possibly even made it into a junior high school newspaper, but that might have just been a rumor.

I’ve emceed a Menopause Fashion Show for a hospital. Lots of elastic in that one. I’ve done talks for anyone who would stand still – and that includes turning around in elevators and saying, “I suppose you wonder why I called this meeting.”

I’ve offered myself as a fill-in guest for any radio or TV show within driving radius on a very short turnaround time. I’ve gotten calls with “We’re taping in 30 minutes. Can you talk about something?” and I’ve done it.

After the chicken suit episode, I got a reputation and ended up hosting the Harry Potter Release Party at a mall in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Now, they’ve called me back to be Mrs. Claus and read my children’s Christmas poem to kids who’ve eaten too much candy.

I’m working on a promotion idea right now to do a “mall tour” because I can create events with malls and I can shop at the same time. Sounds like heaven to me.

I created a Girls Night Out group that met at a local bookstore and discussed our midlife adventures. We later moved to bars and liked it much better… although we tended to forget what we had talked about.

And the list goes on and on…

Why are you the BEST person to write this book? What in your background or in your research makes you qualified to do justice to this topic?

I’m living this book. I’m not the only person who could write this book. That’s what makes it special. This is a book any person can and should write about their experiences. It’s sharing these experiences that makes this time of life fun instead of frenzied, happy instead of harried, bonding instead of brooding, and other assorted alliterations…

I hope other people will read this and say, “I could do that” and turn around and write their stories. The more of this that we share, the more we’ll all realize that we’re crazy … but at least, we’re in the same boat.

If a potential reader thinks that your book wouldn't interest them, what would you say to convince them to buy? I'm thinking something better than "It’s the greatest book ever." Give me something more specific :)

Every once in a while we need to realize that there are others like us. There are other people who pretend they’re on the cell phone in the car so people in the neighboring cars won’t realize that they’re talking to themselves. Others who read the comics instead of the business section of the paper. Others who think that, if God had intended us to stay one waist size, he wouldn’t have invented elastic waistbands. This book shares those moments. It’s a great gift to remind ourselves that we’re not alone.

Also, it’s not just a book for midlifers. It helps others understand midlifers.

Why does the topic of your book interest you? Why would it interest potential readers? Give us a hook to reel in new readers.

This quiz will tell you if this book is for you:

Do you use your exercise bike as a coat rack?
Do you want to know how to look cool while searching for your car in the mall parking lot?
Do you believe people on the show Survivor could never last through 39 days in your workplace?Do you believe that cheesecake and Prozac share many of the same healing qualities?
Do you use the phrase, “I remember when none of that was here”?
Do you list your hair color as “Number 168”?
Do you believe that the birthday of Thomas Hancock, the inventor of elastic, should be a national holiday?
If you even grinned at any of those, you need to read this book…

Is there a way to tie your book topic to current events? If so, tell us about how you could do that.
I have a blog to feature information and examples about tying books into current events that might be a good place for you to promote your book.

November is National Novel Writing Month, where thousands of people worldwide will try to write a 50,000 word novel in one month. Everyone has a book in them. They just need permission to give it a shot. This is the month to do it.

I’m a Municipal Liaison in Louisiana, which means that I help writers in the state coordinate events and communication during the month.

I’ll also be writing my sequel to Three Feet Under, entitled In Celebration of Elastic Waistbands, during this month. Like I mentioned before, last year I got national attention when I wrote my novel in the window of a bookstore while wearing a chicken suit. This year I’ll be wearing elastic waistbands. Much more comfortable than a chicken suit…

If there's anything else you would like to share, this is the time and place.I believe that one of the greatest gifts we can share is laughter. And, as an added bonus, it burns calories.

My theme for life is “If I laugh at myself first, then the rest of the world is laughing with me, not at me.”

Thank you for visiting with me and in closing, give us your website address and a link to order your book.

Thank you! This has been a lot of fun and it’s kept me from hitting the refrigerator for a few minutes. That’s a good thing, because there’s just so much elastic in the world…
Website: Christee.biz

Blog that’s just getting started: http://elasticwaistbands.blogspot.com/

You can order Three Feet Under: Journal of a Midlife Crisis at Amazon.com or any online bookstore as well as getting at your local bookstore. If they don’t have it, please ask them to order it!

You can also check out my new business and training books, Succession Planning Basics, Presentation Skills Training, and Manager Skills Training at Amazon.com.

Interview Presented By
Nikki Leigh - Author of Book Promo 101

Details with Mayra Calvani

Tell us the book title and your author name.

Dark Lullaby, by Mayra Calvani

What inspired the book?

This particular novel was inspired by my fascination with moral dilemmas and by Turkish folklore. I lived several years in Turkey, so this was a big influence. Listening to stories about the mysterious—and scary—beings called cin (jihnn) was an unusual experience for me and I always knew I would eventually write something about them in a future book.

What makes this book special to you?

The aspect of this book which makes it more special to me is that the protagonist was inspired by my brother (of course for plot purposes I pushed it to the extremes!). It is also my first novel which has a male protagonist; this made the writing both more interesting and challenging.

What makes this a book that other people MUST read and WHY?

Dark Lullaby is a bizarre tale about a young astrophysicist who is lured into the Turkish countryside by a strange and beautiful girl—of course, the girl ends up not being what she first appears to be. Ultimately, he is faced with a moral dilemma: Does the end justify the means? People who must read this book are people who enjoy strange paranormal fiction set in exotic locales, and who also get a kick out of philosophy and controversial moral issues.

What people NEED to read this book and WHY?

Interesting question. Who would need to read this book? People who are idealists and believe ideals cannot collapse. Why? To see that ideals can indeed collapse.

What sparks your creativity? Any tips to help others spark their own creativity?

Walking alone, haunting violin music, a good book or movie, a conversation, a person’s face, free writing, keeping a journal.

I would recommend people to get a copy of The Right to Write and The Artist’s Way, both by creativity guru Julia Cameron. Also to write at a cafĂ© once a week, either alone or with a group of writers.

What has been the biggest stumbling block in your writing? Can you share some tips to help others get past similar problems?

Definitely lack of discipline. I try my best to write everyday, but the truth is my style is to binge. Not writing everyday can lead to many problems—insecurity, self loathing, stagnation. It used to be very hard for me to actually start that first chapter—it still is, but now I trust my voice more, I’m kinder to my inner self and less critical. Of course—this inner critic, that awful voice that whispers in your ear that you’re no good, gets worse when you don’t write everyday. So both are connected, both feed on each other. The trick is to keep writing, to do it every day, even if just a few sentences. Studying the works I mentioned before (Julia Cameron’s The Right to Write and The Artist’s way) were a tremendous help, as well as joining a creativity workshop. Journal writing can be very useful to keep you writing and to clean your mind of all the useless and negative clutter that gets in the way of your creativity.

What do you think motivates people to become authors? What motivated you to get into this unusual industry?

In my case, it was not a conscious decision. I simply loved writing since I was a child. Writing was something I was particularly good at and it got me attention, so I kept at it. Later on, as I grew older, it became a natural way to get rid of all the voices in my head, a way to bring to life my imaginary world filled with mystery and adventure. Also, I’ve always been attracted by the image of the antisocial, ‘intellectual’ author—pounding on an old typewriter and smoking at a messy desk—not that this is my style! It is, after all, a great job—you’re your own boss, have your own hours, etc.

Tell me about the most unusual things you have done to promote any books?

So far nothing unusual, I’m afraid. I’m quite traditional when it comes to promoting—author interviews, reviews, article distribution, having a website, blog and newsletter, etc.

FICTION - If there is a setting, tell us how you decided on that setting and what you did to create a complete and vivid setting for your readers?

Although at the beginning of the novel the characters are in Baltimore, most of the story takes place in the Turkish countryside; in Rize, to be exact, which is a small, tea-planting city on the north eastern coast of the country. I spent hours doing research on the internet and studied many photos that made me create the right atmosphere for the place. The stories I had heard about the cin were from people who originally came from that area, so choosing that particular setting came natural. I wanted to put the protagonist in an exotic setting, in a place where he would feel like an outsider, thus being in a disadvantageous, weaker position.

FICTION - What inspires you about the hero or heroine in your book? What makes them memorable for the reader? What motivates the hero and/or heroine? You can include information about both if you want.

There’s no heroine in this novel. The story revolves around the hero and the anti-heroine, though the hero, Gabriel Diaz, is the center of the whole thing. I love that the hero is an astrophysicist because I love science, especially astronomy and cosmology. It was fun doing research to make sure I was getting the facts correctly. As I said earlier, the hero was inspired by my brother. He’s an astrophysicist, so he was there to answer my questions as well, which was convenient. I combined my love for science with my love for philosophy and made him a philosophy aficionado as well. All throughout the book Gabriel is motivated by an idealist sense of justice and by doing the ‘right’ thing.

FICTION - Is there a villain or something that causes friction in your story? Tell us about what or who it is and how that contributes to the story. Any details about conflict and friction is good information to know.

The anti-heroine or villainess in Dark Lullaby is a young and beautiful Turkish girl named Kamilah. When Gabriel meets her at the tavern on that first night, she claims to be a biology major. Of course, once in Turkey her true nature emerges to the surface and she ends up being something very different from what she presented herself to be. She is the catalyst that brings Gabriel to face his demons; she the reason that propels him to the extreme, because Kamilah isn’t just a threat to him, but to his twin sister as well, who is very vulnerable right now expecting a baby. In all modesty, I think Kamilah’s true nature will take many readers by surprise.

Thank you for visiting with me and in closing, give us your website address and a link to order your book.

Thanks so much for having me as your guest, Nikki!

My website is www.MayraCalvani.com and the book is available from Amazon
and from the publisher http://www.whiskeycreekpress.com/store/index.php?main_page=prod

Interview Presented By
Nikki Leigh - Author of Book Promo 101

Details with Earl Ofara Hutchinson

Tell us the book title and your author name.

Earl Ofari Hutchinson
The Latino Challenge to Black America

What inspired the book?

The need to explore in depth the new ethnic clash in America between blacks and latinos

What makes this book special to you?

It breaks new ground on a compelling social and political issue and charts a course of understanding of the relatively unexplored area of black and Latino conflict.

What makes this a book that other people MUST read and WHY?

There are no others books that go into the detail and depth that this book does on black and Latino relations

What people NEED to read this book and WHY?

All Americans concerned about racial and ethnic tensions and conflicts

What sparks your creativity? Any tips to help others spark their own creativity?

Write write and keep writing there's no magic formula to creativity no lights bulbs of inspiration that go off just sweat, blood and tears in the craft of writing

What has been the biggest stumbling block in your writing? Can you share some tips to help others get past similar problems?

Simple write write write sit at the computer even when you don't have a clue where you're going with a thought and don't move until it comes to you then start pounding away

What do you think motivates people to become authors? What motivated you to get into this unusual industry?

The burning desire to get people to think

Tell me about the most unusual things you have done to promote any books?

No magic formula just talk it up wherever there's an ear

Why are you the BEST person to write this book? What in your background or in your research makes you qualified to do justice to this topic?A quarter century of writing on race and ethnic relations

If a potential reader thinks that your book wouldn't interest them, what would you say to convince them to buy? I'm thinking something better than "Its the greatest book ever." Give me something more specific :)It will make you think

Why does the topic of your book interest you? Why would it interest potential readers? Give us a hook to reel in new readers.Racial conflict in America for a century has been framed exclusively in black and white, no longer, it's black versus brown, brown versus Asian, black versus Asian, Asian versus brown, and all sorts of new interethnic combinations, better get on board the train to understanding of the changing racial paradigm in America Earl Ofari Hutchinson gives you a seat on that train

Is there a way to tie your book topic to current events? If so, tell us about how you could do that.

I have a blog to feature information and examples about tying books into current events that might be a good place for you to promote your book.

The hottest topic in America is immigration and Earl Ofari Hutchinson's book deals with in three chapters with special focus on its impact on black America

Thank you for visiting with me and in closing, give us your website address and a link to order your book.

http://www.middlepassagepress.com/ and the book is available on www.Amazon.com

Interview Presented By
Nikki Leigh - Book Promo 101

Details with Shobhan Bantwal

Tell us the book title and your author name.

The title is THE DOWRY BRIDE. My name is Shobhan Bantwal.

What inspired the book?

THE DOWRY BRIDE started out as a short story—a class project for the one and only creative writing course I took at the local community college. But when my instructor informed me it had the potential for a good full-length novel, I gave it serious thought. Later, as I did more research into the subject, the shocking truth struck home that thousands of young Indian women are either killed or maimed each year because they don’t bring a dowry or a large enough dowry—even in this day and age.

What makes this book special to you?

It’s very special because I turned 56 just as the book was being released! Unlike many writers, I took up writing rather late in life, at the age of 50. I never dreamt I’d be published, let alone sell a book at 54 to a fairly large publisher like Kensington. Also, I went against tradition with this book, because most Asian writers, especially Indians, tend to write literary books that reach a limited readership due to their more subdued content. I wanted to write a mainstream book which included mystery, emotion, and strong romantic elements so I could reach women who read commercial women’s fiction, including romance.

What makes this a book that other people MUST read and WHY?

THE DOWRY BRIDE is a different kind of book that both entertains and educates at the same time. Readers can not only enjoy a pleasant read but delve into the exotic Indian culture that is so unlike what most Americans know and live in. Today’s India is a modern country with superior technology and a vigorous economy. Indian women have come a long way in pursuing higher education and careers, and yet there are certain facets to the culture that cast a dark shadow over all those accomplishments. The archaic custom of dowry is an example. My book uses the dowry system as a platform to build an intriguing story of betrayal, hope and the resilience of the human spirit.

What people NEED to read this book and WHY?

People need to keep an open mind, mainly because there are some shocking truths exposed in my book. Even the concept of dowry is alien to a lot of Americans and Europeans. And yet, the story is positive and upbeat. It is the tale of a young woman who manages to overcome the roadblocks placed before her by her culture and emerges triumphant.

What sparks your creativity? Any tips to help others spark their own creativity?

I’ve come to realize that my own life is an amazing story to most Americans. I use that and other factors in my background as a storehouse of creative story ideas. I had an arranged marriage 34 years ago. I met my husband two days before we were engaged. Less than two weeks later we were married. For us, falling in love came long after we were married, and 34 years later, we’re still happily married. Imagine the stories one can spin around that factor alone!

As far as tips go, I’d say writers should look around themselves. There are so many interesting things going on with everyone’s neighbors, friends, coworkers, and the world in general, there’s no dearth of potential plots.

What has been the biggest stumbling block in your writing? Can you share some tips to help others get past similar problems?

The greatest stumbling block has been the negativity from fellow Indians. Some of them are disdainful of romantic literature and consider it trashy. A few others feel it is wrong to expose the less desirable facts about one’s culture to the rest of the world. Every time I hear comments like that, it puts a damper on my creative spirit. I try to rise above it, but it’s not easy.

Nonetheless I’m learning to ignore negative remarks and carry on with what I like to write. A thick skin is a requirement in this business.

What do you think motivates people to become authors? What motivated you to get into this unusual industry?

I can’t really say what motivates other people. I suppose it could be anything from unleashing their creative genius to attaining fame and fortune. For myself, it was the challenge of going against the stereotype of writing literary novels and spinning mainstream tales with romance woven into the texture of the tapestry. Then there was also the enticing challenge of breaking into the harder-than-nails traditional fiction market.

Tell me about the most unusual things you have done to promote any books?

I’m giving away a “Dowry Bag” at my signings and through my website as a promotional idea. It contains one signed copy of THE DOWRY BRIDE and some Indian gift items like spices, tea samplers, incense, etc. Although I’ve denigrated the dowry system in my book, my wry sense of humor couldn’t resist using the concept to my advantage when M.J. Rose, writing teacher/mentor and bestselling author of some wonderful books, suggested it to me.

FICTION - If there is a setting, tell us how you decided on that setting and what you did to create a complete and vivid setting for your readers?

I created a fictitious setting: a small town in southwestern India called Palgaum. I believed it would make an interesting and exotic backdrop for my book. However, it is loosely based on the town I grew up in. Whenever I was writing about the streets and the scenery, I had an image of my own town of Belgaum, except for the river. I felt a picturesque river scene would give the story more texture and romance, so I threw in a river, which my town doesn’t have.

FICTION - What inspires you about the hero or heroine in your book? What makes them memorable for the reader? What motivates the hero and/or heroine? You can include information about both if you want.

Both my heroine and my hero inspire me. Megha, my heroine is very young and naĂŻve, but when faced with death, she seeks out the only source of help and eventually overcomes her difficulties to emerge stronger and more practical. My hero is a young man of principles, willing to put his reputation and even his life on the line to protect Megha. Until the end, he doesn’t give up on ensuring Megha’s safety and happiness. Survival is Megha’s motivation while preservation of what’s precious is Kiran’s.

FICTION - Is there a villain or something that causes friction in your story? Tell us about what or who it is and how that contributes to the story. Any details about conflict and friction is good information to know.

The villain is Megha’s mother-in-law, Amma. She is an authoritative Amazon who is out to kill
Megha because Megha’s parents haven’t paid the promised dowry. Amma is the quintessential villain, the menacing shadow that hovers over Megha constantly, even when she’s not in close proximity. Amma is very essential to the book in that the story opens with her plot to kill Megha and she remains relentless till the end.

If there's anything else you would like to share, this is the time and place.I’d like my readers to know that the book’s cover is of special significance to me. The picture of the bride on the cover is my daughter’s, in all her bridal finery when she got married. Kensington couldn’t have made me happier when they informed me that they wanted to use the picture for my book.

Thank you for visiting with me and in closing, give us your website address and a link to order your book.

Website address: www.shobhanbantwal.com
To order the book: http://tinyurl.com/24dlec

Interview Presented By
ikki Leigh - Author of Book Promo 101

Details with L Diane Wolfe

Tell us the book title and your author name.

L. Diane Wolfe (aka – “Spunk On A Stick”), “Mike: The Circle of Friends, Book IV”

What inspired the book?

The series itself was inspired by the wisp of a dream – and from that I began writing a story about an Olympic swimmer. The characters began to come alive and I could see each one had a story to tell, a struggle to overcome. Mike was an important secondary character in Book II, and his tragic story of a sinful mistake never forgiven cried out to be told. There are people out there like Mike who carry a heavy burden of guilt.

What makes this book special to you?

Mike is just such a gentle character and meant so much to the characters in Book II. It’s also pleasing this fourth book has garnered such a wide male audience. Everything about this book, from the story to the cover art, just came together so nicely, too!

What makes this a book that other people MUST read and WHY?

It is hardest to forgive oneself and most people will identify with Mike’s plight. But they won’t spend the whole book feeling sorry for him. They will become emotionally involved with the two main characters to the point they are angry with Mike for not escaping his prison of guilt!

What people NEED to read this book and WHY?

Anyone who has made mistakes in their life, which covers just about all of us! Mike is for those who need hope or just want to be inspired. There are so few books fueled by optimism!

What sparks your creativity? Any tips to help others spark their own creativity?

My characters are so real to me - I am constantly watching their lives unfold within my mind’s eye! I am impassioned by music and find it the greatest inspiration. Every one of my characters has a song or group of songs, (their own theme music if you will!), and all I have to do is listen to become wrapped up in their story. Every writer must find that, whether it's a song or a place, which unleashes their imagination.

What has been the biggest stumbling block in your writing? Can you share some tips to help others get past similar problems?

Fortunately, I do not encounter writer’s block often! But if I am uninspired to continue a scene, I have several tricks. If I am excited about a scene in the next chapter, I skip ahead and write that instead, playing connect-the-dots later. Or I will go back and reread what I have completed, editing as I go. Either of those usually jars my creativity once again!

What do you think motivates people to become authors? What motivated you to get into this unusual industry?

I think at some point, everyone wants to write a book! It’s like leaving your mark on the world, a sign that you existed and meant something. I had dreamed of being an author since I was thirteen years old and holding a copy of Anne McCaffrey’s “The White Dragon” in my hands. It took me many years, but the rewards have been tremendous! Readers and fans keep me going and I cherish all of the friendships I have made along the way. Now that I’ve learned the industry, I am ready to move beyond just author & speaker and into publishing itself so that I might help others realize their dream!

Tell me about the most unusual things you have done to promote any books?

I didn’t know there was such a thing as ‘normal’ when it came to promoting a book! Seriously, though, the massive amount of book signings I have done over the past few years is unusual for most authors. I average about sixty a year, so I am on the road a lot! Interviews are always interesting, too. One time my husband and I got up at 1:30 in the morning, drove over three hours, did a 5:45am interview on an NBC morning news show, and then drove back home. My husband went to work afterwards and his co-workers thought we were crazy! But success is being willing to do whatever it takes.

FICTION - If there is a setting, tell us how you decided on that setting and what you did to create a complete and vivid setting for your readers?

Mike’s story begins his final year at Georgia Tech in Atlanta. He played college football, a sport I love, so game details were no problem to describe. Upon graduation, Mike relocates to Albuquerque, NM, a town I lived in for four years. It is the only time I have ever used my own personal experience for a location, but I could so vividly recall the beauty of the Sandia Mountains, the thrill of the International Balloon Fiesta, and the charm of Old Towne that I felt I could accurately bring the surroundings to life.

FICTION - What inspires you about the hero or heroine in your book? What makes them memorable for the reader? What motivates the hero and/or heroine? You can include information about both if you want.

I am inspired by Mike’s firm resolve to stand his moral ground, even after the terrible mistake in his past. Mike is a likeable person with a sweet spirit, and yet he is filled with such angst and inner turmoil. Danielle’s fiery and ambitious attitude forces Mike to stretch, and it is this spirit that finally frees him from self-imposed bondage.

FICTION - Is there a villain or something that causes friction in your story? Tell us about what or who it is and how that contributes to the story. Any details about conflict and friction is good information to know.

Mike’s greatest enemy is himself, which is true for most people! His guilt threatens to make him a martyr and nearly destroys his future with Danielle. When Mike believes he has it under control, life suddenly throws a curve ball, and he relapses almost to the point of no despair.

Whenever you have a character with excess baggage, they will bring turmoil to their intimate relationships.

If there's anything else you would like to share, this is the time and place.The Circle of Friends series was written to encourage and uplift! For the young person or adult struggling with negativity or a poor self-image, they need to know there is hope. I want readers to come away not only entertained but inspired to overcome all obstacles and pursue their dreams. Life is too short!

Thank you for visiting with me and in closing, give us your website address and a link to order your book.
Order from Barnes & Noble - http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbnInquiry.asp?z=y&EAN=9781...
Or Amazon - http://www.amazon.com/dp/1425991270?tag=theciroffri-20&camp=145

Interview Presented byNikki Leigh - Author of Book Promo 101

Getting to Know Phil Harris

Philip Harris the person:

1. What three words do you think describe you as a human being?

2. How do you think others would describe you?

3. Please tell us what you are most passionate about outside of writing.

4. Do you have any pets? If so, introduce us to them.

5. What is your most precious memory?

6. What is your most embarrassing memory?

7. If you weren't a writer, what would you be doing with your life?

8. In two paragraphs or less write your obituary.

Philip Harris the writer:

9. Can you describe the time you realized you were indeed a "real" writer?

10. What is going on with your writing these days?

11. What are your future goals for your writing?

12. Can you describe a typical writing day for you?

13. Why do you write?

14. What writer most inspires you? Why?

15. How do you define your writing?

16. In one sentence-what do you want people to say about your writing in fifty years?
Philip Harris the details:

17. Can you tell us where to find more information on you? Website? Blog?

18. Is there a place where readers can reach you?
A comment can be left on my web site or they can email directly at sundiskhermit@yahoo.com

19. Can you list all your book titles so people can look for them?

20. For new readers-what can they expect when they read your book(s)?

In conclusion:

21. Take as much space as necessary to speak to our readers-what would you like them to know about you and your writing?

A Powerful Book to Improve Your Business, Success and Life

1. Where you are from and where are you now?

I reside in Media, Pennsylvania with my wife of 34 years. I have a dental practice in Broomall. I have lived in this area all my life. My roots are here, my family is here, and my community is here. I’m a Pennsylvanian through and through.

2. How did you get started writing?

Not counting all the goals I have written over the years and the business plans, I officially began writing with my newly released book called What Can a Dentist Teach You about Business, Life and Success? Discover Secrets to Achieving Total Success!

I have owned and operated my dental practice for over 30 years. I grew my practice from a 1-chair struggling practice to a multi-million dollar business with nearly 50 team members.

For years I have mentored business professionals and done training courses on how to build a business. I found I had a knack and passion for sharing my information. Initially, my work was with other dentists, but it grew into working with a variety of business types.

Over the last few years I have also done presentations to business groups. My writing was a natural evolution from my business success and working with others. The more I worked with others and did presentations the question came up frequently as to when I was going to write a book.

I had entertained the thought for some time, but about a year ago I decided that I would write a book. The book is a culmination of my business philosophy as well as overall success in all areas of one’s life.

What people will read in the book is not your typical business book. I combine a very pragmatic and spiritual approach to what I call Total Success.

3. What do you do when you are not writing?

When not writing I can be found doing a number of different things. One being, I still practice dentistry. I love dentistry. Always have and probably always will. I can also be found giving speeches, running, spending time with my family, traveling and overall, enjoying life.

4. What would readers like to know about you?

I think readers would like to know that I am very passionate about what I do in all areas of my life. I believe we create our own happiness by our thoughts, beliefs and actions.

Although I am blessed with an extremely successful life, it wasn’t always like that. I grew up in an average blue-collar neighborhood and struggled in school as a kid. And yet, from as far back as I can remember I wanted to be a dentist. I can remember digging in the dirt and filling up the holes pretending I was filling a cavity. That was at the age of 10.

Early on I didn’t get a lot of support for my dream. My high school guidance counselor, Father Melton told me I should pick a different goal rather than trying to become a dentist.

It was at that point I formed the belief that we can either believe what another person thinks is best for our life or follow our own dream. I will forever be grateful I followed my dream. Because of it I have had an incredible life.

I think what your readers would also be interested in know is that along with my dream came a lot of hard work. It didn’t just happen. I had to work for what I wanted.

5. What inspired your first book?

The desire to document the very systems that have allowed me to create the life I have. These systems don’t just apply to building a successful dental practice. They can apply to virtually any type of business.

6. How many books have you written?

This is my first. I do have plans for more books though.

7. What are the titles of your books and what genres are they?

What Can a Dentist Teach You about Business, Life and Success? Discover Secrets to Creating Total Success!

8. How do you decide on that topic or genre?

I follow my instinct. That is how I have done many things in my life.

9. How do you manage to keep yourself focused and on track?

Actually, there is a whole chapter in my book about how to stay focused and on track. I am very clear on the fact that having a laser beam approach to what I want to accomplish makes all the difference as to whether I achieve something or not.

10. Do you write to make money or for the love of writing?

For the love of writing and yet, because I do know how to make money from various ventures I have been involved in, it is very likely I will make great money from my writing. I think an advantage I have in writing about business is the opportunities that have opened up with my speaking and mentoring. The book was released in late December and already I have had some incredible things happen as a result. One is, with one speaking engagement I did, a gentleman who heard me nominated me for the Small Business Owner of the Year Award for a very large Chamber of Commerce in my area.

The recognition this will give me, my book and my business may not be able to be measure in exact return and yet I do know it will open up other opportunities.

Something I believe in is that nothing is an end in and of itself. Everything we do either moves us closer to our goals or further away. When I wrote the book I didn’t write it to make money. And yet, because of the marketing we are doing with the book, money will be a natural outcome of my writing.

11. What are some traditional methods of marketing you have used?

I have a marketing firm on the West Coast who is handling a lot of my marketing. I know that we have had a lot of media releases sent to the press that have given the book visibility. I have done dozens of presentations to local associations that has also gained some nice visibility. I have a very nice media kit with a beautiful sell sheet. One thing we have made sure of is to create an identity for the book.

12. What are some unique methods of marketing you have used?

We have been using the Internet a great deal. Lots of blogging about the book as well as an Amazon.com campaign where dozens of Joint Venture Partners are helping to get the word out about my book. I have done lots of web radio interviews as well as article writing and distribution online. I am launching a series of teleseminars that will all be in some way connected to an aspect of the book.

13. Do you sell through a website? If so, what’s the address? If not, why not?

Most definitely. http://www.joecapista.com/amazon.htm

14. Where can people order your books?

They can order it directly from my site and they can order from http://www.joecapista.com/amazon.htm

15. What format are your books – e-book, print, audio etc?

At this point the book is only available as hardcopy. I do have an eBook available on my site on how to build a multi-million dollar business.

16. Will you write more books?

Most definitely.

17. What do you have in the works now?

Right now I am continuing to build my speaking business. I am in conversations with some business associates about starting a full-fledged training company. That is another area I will be putting some time and energy into.

18. What does the future hold for you and your books?

Lots of fun. I just love what writing a book has done for me. It’s incredible. Although I would like to think I could have done this sooner, I think the timing in my life has been perfect.

19. What was the most successful thing you did to promote your books?

We are doing it right now. An Amazon.com campaign along with a blog tour. The visibility is incredible.

20. What was the least successful thing you did to promote your books?

That’s a difficult question to answer because so far everything has been working.
This book is a great resource for anyone looking for both a pragmatic and spiritual approach to building a life of Total Success. Order you own copy of What Can a Dentist Teach You about Business, Life and Success? within the next 24 hours and receive over $2,551 in bonus gifts from experts around the globe. Go to http://www.joecapista.com/amazon.htm

Dr. Joe CapistaSpeaker, Author, DentistMedia, Pennsylvania

In Detail With Patricia Guthrie

Tell us the book title and your author name.

In the Arms of the EnemyPatricia A. Guthrie

What inspired the book

About a decade ago a horse mob in the Chicago suburban area were murdering horses for insurance money. Quite a few horsemen were indicted, some jailed. That seed stayed planted in my head until about three years ago when I wrote this book.

What makes this book special to you?

In the Arms of the Enemy is dedicated to those horses lost to man’s greed and inhumanity and to those humanitarians whose mission is to save and protect them. The love I have for my characters and their horses have made this special. (It’s also my first published book)

What makes this a book that other people MUST read and WHY?

First off, this is a ‘durn good mystery. Outside of that, it educates the public on what happens when money, animals and greed come together. It also shows what can happen when you deceive the people you love.

What people NEED to read this book and WHY?

Probably the same answers as the last question, but this is for horse loversAnd shows them another side of the horse industry.

What sparks your creativity? Any tips to help others spark their own creativity?

I take my ideas from topical events, mix it with things in my life I love (Romanian castles, horses, collies, women who have to run from dangerous relationships) I like to point out the evils in life balanced with the good.

What has been the biggest stumbling block in your writing? Can you share some tips to help others get past similar problems?

I think marketing has been my biggest stumbling block. I don’t mix writing and marketing well together, so when I market I don’t write and when I write I don’t market. I’m trying to over come that. I’m sure others have much going on in their lives, trying to juggle all that is hard. Writers block? I do, but I usually talk or walk it off. Music helps too, although I can’t write and listen to music. Being a musician I have a tendency to listen and stare at the walls, picking out the cello and violin sections. LOL

What do you think motivates people to become authors? What motivated you to get into this unusual industry?

I think people write when they have a good story to tell and it must come out. I think reading and talking to other writers can “egg-on” that feeling to write.I think those people have a natural interest in the craft of writing and aren’t afraid to write bad drafts, then start rewriting. It’s just in you.

FICTION - If there is a setting, tell us how you decided on that setting and what you did to create a complete and vivid setting for your readers?

This story takes place a horse locations. My prototype for Kalian Downs Racetrack was Arlington Park Racetrack in Illinois and most of the race took place a the barn where I board my horse. When I walk through there and smell the hay and horses, watch the horses movements, the sounds they make when they’re eating dinner, it makes it easier to write it into a chapter.

FICTION - What inspires you about the hero or heroine in your book? What makes them memorable for the reader? What motivates the hero and/or heroine? You can include information about both if you want.

I had to write in Adam. He was so intent in finding a killer of his father’s horse and its trainer and was convinced the trainer’s partner was guilty. He was a man on a mission. Maggie was motivated by the need for peace, having had a stressful and bad experience with her fiancĂ©e and the owner of the barn where she trained. The rest of the novel she must learn to protect herself from deliberate accidents and learn to trust Adam, although she believes he’s not what he appears.

FICTION - Is there a villain or something that causes friction in your story? Tell us about what or who it is and how that contributes to the story. Any details about conflict and friction is good information to know.

Well, this is a mystery, so I won’t tell you who, but there are several conflicts here. First Adam being not the naĂŻve, suave and rich entrepreneur he claimed to be. Evidence is pointing toward Maggie being part of the gang who kills horses for insurance money for horse owners. Even as Maggie has no idea she’s even being under suspicion.

If there's anything else you would like to share, this is the time and place.

I hope you enjoy the book. It’s not long, but does get intense. A book where good intentions lead to deception and lies and misunderstanding leads to kidnapping.

Thank you for visiting with me and in closing, give us your website address and a link to order your book.

You’re welcome. I hope your readers enjoy these insights into the characters in the story. My website: www.patriciaanneguthrie.com, www.paguthrie.blogspot.com and www.myspot.com/paguthrie.

You can purchase the book at the publisher’s www.lightswordpublishing.com. Or www.Amazon.com, Borders, Waldenbooks, Barnes and Noble and most of the online independents. You can also order the book at the actual book stores and some stores carry it on their shelves.

Nikki Leighwww.nikkileigh.com/promo.htm

Testimonials for Nikki Leigh

I've been collecting testimonials from people for my promotional work and I'll be adding more as I get them. I also need to explain that I do work with authors under my pen name, Nikki Leigh and I work with people through my business (S & C Consulting) under my legal name, Shri. You will see both names below - but they are both me.

For the Most Up to Date Testimonials -

Visit - http://nikkileigh.com/promo_test.htm

“I recently had the complete pleasure of working with Nikki Leigh. She expertly weaved together my Virtual Book Tour for “Money and Manifesting” from a slender thread into a fully constructed, silky smooth garment. The woman is a dynamo! She takes great care to match the subject matter of the book with the appropriate hosts. Her organizational skills and attention to every detail are par excellence. She responds to questions immediately and she is absolutely tops in promotion. I believe there is none better in the Virtual Book Tour arena than Nikki Leigh. I highly recommend her services and I will be back for another round in the future. I am very impressed.”

Dyan Garris, Author and Musician - April 2008


Nikki Leigh organizes the best possible Virtual Book Tours imaginable. She goes above and beyond to match the right blogs with the your subject matter. She is also a veritable fountain of information and she helps in every way that she can. There is no one better to partner with on your Virtual Book Tour. The woman is tops in promotion. She is brilliant!

Dyan Garris, Author, Musician, Clairvoyant
www.voiceoftheangels.com May 2008


Amazon Bestseller Campaigns are effective. Today we have been promoting a first time author through a very strategic Amazon.com campaign, blog tour (with the magic touch of Nikki Leigh), Social Networks, Media Releases, Yahoo Groups, and general online outreach.

I have to give Nikki Leigh an incredible amount of credit for bringing in some great bloggers. For anyone who is thinking of doing a blog tour, Nikki is your expert! She has been a pleasure to work with, went above and beyond, created more value than expected and has a great sense of humor which is important during a campaign which tends to be very stressful.

Kathleen Gage - The Street Smarts Marketer


Nikki Leigh went above and beyond the call of duty when she arranged my virtual blog tour for my book RIGHT TO RECOVER Winning the Political and Religious Wars over Stem Cell Research in America. She worked for month’s in advance making sure I had all the questions and getting my answers to the participating blogs. Then, she promoted the heck out of the tour and stayed on top of things to make sure that my interviews were posted on time and where they were supposed to be. I highly recommend Nikki to any author who wants a virtual tour done right!

Yvonne Perry - http://yvonneperry.blogspot.com


The blog tour for my book The Latino Challenge to Black America: Towards a Conversation Between African-Americans and Hispanics was both rewarding and profitable. It was a speedy, cost and time effective way to reach my targeted audience. It also boosted book sales. Most importantly, I was deeply impressed with the professionalism, attentiveness, and even friendship that Nikki Leigh provided me. I look forward to doing another book tour with Ms. Leigh and I would certainly recommend her services to any and all.

Earl Ofari Hutchinson - www.middlepassagepress.com


I am a dedicated published author. I have come to realize that as hard as it is to write a great story that gets readers' attention, marketing it is actually the tough part. I have spend more time than I would like to admit trying to find someone who could help me get my books into the public so they could know they even existed.
Now, I have met Nikki Leigh and learned about her Virtual Blog Tour, I truly feel she has led me on a path that will get my name and my novels out to people who will love them. Nikki has been a Godsend to me and she has shown herself to be always ready to answer any questions I have asked and has been a wonderful, positive critic of my material and has gently pushed me toward excellence.
Nikki Leigh's Virtual Blog Tour has given me the exposure I needed and has turned it all into a very enjoyable learning experience. I can say with out a doubt that if you are a writer who has written some great published material and need the help of a real, courteous professional to get your book into readers' hands, then Nikki Leigh and her excellent system, through her Virtual Blog Tour, will definitely be just the thing you need. Nikki Leigh has turned my literary marketing malaise into a challenging and exciting experience. Don't sit at your keyboard and wonder why you should write when no one ever reads what you have published. There's a solution, Nikki Leigh's Virtual Bog Tour. Contact her today.

Steven Clark Bradley - Author of Nimrod Rising - www.stevenbradley.net


Atlantic Publishing has worked with Shri Henkel for almost two years. In that time Shri has been an extraordinary client. She has written several books for us; including 365 Foolish Mistakes Smart Manager’s Make Every Day which is a 2007 Bronze Winner for the Independent Publisher Awards and How to Open a Financially Successful Pizza & Sub Restaurant which is a 2007 Notable Winner for the Eric Hoffer Book Awards. She has always been very helpful and flexible in whatever we have asked of her. We have enjoyed working with Shri over the last two years and look forward to our continued ventures with her. Her work is extraordinary and her work ethic is excellent.

Angela C. Adams, Managing Editor - Atlantic Publishing Company


We have found Nikki Leigh to be a capable author and very professional in all her dealings with our company. In the past two years we have published three of her books and are expecting to do three more in the near future. No advance-paying publisher (i.e. NOT a vanity press) contracts a second time with an author whose work is less than professional, as I am sure anyone would realize. Arline Chase - Owner - Write Words, Inc


I've worked with some very savvy marketing professionals during my years in the computer and broadcasting industries. I can't say that any one of them had the business instincts, breadth of knowledge, energy and creativity that Nikki Leigh brings to the table. I learn from her every single day.

Nora Peterson, www.norapeterson.com
Past Imperfect, Retire Rich with Your Self-Directed IRA, and Wall Street Lingo


Shri Henkel approached the SPCA in the fall of 2004 with a creative and innovative fundraising idea, “Pets N’ Portraits.” In this competition, individuals entered pictures of their animals in various categories. Winners received a variety of creative prizes, from an oil painting of their pet to a short story about their pet.
Shri not only conceived the idea, but planned and executed it beautifully, with minimal input from the SPCA. The result was a very popular contest, good publicity, and revenue for the SPCA.
We were all impressed by Shri’s creativity, organizational skills, and attention to both the larger picture and the smallest of details. We enjoyed working with her, recommend her to others, and hope she works with us again!
Many thanks,

Jenny Mead - President, SPCA Board of Directors


If you would like the facts, figures, statistics, recorded results, dates, and timeframes regarding Nikki's work as a business consultant, what she has done and what she is capable of doing, I recommend that you ask Nikki herself. (Or, read another testimonial that deals more with this sort of detail. I imagine she has many of them.) Nikki will have that information available for you and she will give it to you in a very clear organized, fashion.
What has impressed me about Nikki since I have been fortunate enough to interest her in doing some promotional work for Copper Age is that she has a mind like fireworks. That is really the best way that I can express it. In the short time that I have been working with her she has come up with so many excellent ideas in such a short period of time, that it has left an indelible impression on me.
She is also very capable of bringing these ideas to fruition. (in a remarkably short period of time.) The other qualities that I have recognized in Nikki are expertise, innovation, superlative communication skills and enthusiasm. Nikki gets things done.

Tom Brown – Creator of The Copper Age of Comics www.dunsanys.com


Nikki Leigh is a whirlwind of ideas and strategies. She knows how to tap into people's brains and pick out effective solutions for marketing, promotions and sales. I've never met such a human dynamo before, and as I've told her, she's my hero and I want to be just like her when I grow up. I'd trust her with any project and know that Allstate isn't the only place where you can be in good hands.

GingerSimpson, Author - http://www.gingersimpson.com


Nikki Leigh's fortitude, knowledge, professionalism and willingness to take time out of her own projects to help others achieve their goals is inspirational and a godsend. I seek out Nikki for help in marketing and promotional ideas for my own endeavors. With full knowledge that she would excel in any venture she chooses to pursue, I take pleasure in recommending Nikki highly.

Elena Dorothy Bowman - Sarah's Landing Series, The Legacy Series & Time-Rift
www.sarahslanding.com and http://elenadb.home.comcast.net


Nikki Leigh is a promotional genius. She has more great ideas for promotions than anyone I've met in a long time. AND, most important, she's willing to share her knowledge with those of us who are less fortunate in the fields of marketing and promotion.

Dorice Nelson – www.doricenelson.com - www.DoriceNelson.com/blog
Lost Son of Ireland 850 A.D. - Saratoga Summer: 1863 - Clan Gunn: Gerek 1650 Scotland


Nikki Leigh is the thesaurus of marketing and promotion as well as a research guru. She not only writes great, absorbing fiction she writes creative non-fiction that reads like a good novel. Whatever the challenge; technical writing, fiction, ghostwriting, promoting, marketing, Nikki can do it. I'm amazed at how much ground she can cover in a twenty-four hour day and do it with intelligent, engaging writing and verve. If you have a project that needs to be done, I highly recommend you have Nikki do the job for you.

Billie A Williams - www.billiewilliams.com


I spent five years as the co-owner of a marketing and promotion firm working with both large and small clients and media placements. During that time I developed a keen sense of what it takes to do the job. Nikki Leigh is one of the rare people who has both an excellent creative mind and an excellent business mind. She quickly gets to the heart of the challenge, analyzes what needs to be done and develops a composite creative and practical solution. That is essential for successful campaign management. I find myself turning to her when I am faced with challenges I don't have the answers for and she comes through every time.

MORGAN ST. JAMES www.silversistersmysteries.com
SILVER SISTERS MYSTERIES A CORPSE IN THE SOUP by Morgan St. James and Phyllice Bradner. A madcap romp in the glitzy world of TV chefs in search of a killer.


Nikki Leigh has one of the most innovative and creative minds I've ever come across! She's always looking for new ways to promote, and does it with such enthusiasm. Always willing to share her experiences and ideas with others, I can truthfully say she's always thinking on new marketing techniques and how to get the best for those who work with her. I've learned heaps from Nikki, and the amazing thing is, I know there's still more ideas to come!

Angela Verdenius - www.angelaverdenius.com
Award Winning Author of the sci-fi futuristic Heart & Soul series


Nikki Leigh's endless vigor and originality makes her the professional I turn to for marketing help. Her know-how and intuition paves the way in networking and media promotions with fortitude. I recommend her highly.

Donna Sundblad, author of Pumping Your Muse and Windwalker


Nikki Leigh is one of the most determined, ambitious business women I know. She does a great job at everything she tackles because of her enthusiasm and determination. She is a creative and smart writer who writes to help other business owners be successful. We can all learn from her.

Michelle Dunn - Author of the Collecting Money Series & The Mosquito Marketing Series.
www.michelledunn.com & www.BizCreditPolicy.com & www.credit-and-collections.com

Friday, April 4, 2008

Thousands of Writers Participate in National Novel Writing Month

Oakland, Calif. --- www.NaNoWriMo.org --- October, 2007 ---

There are some who say writing a novel takes awesome talent, strong language skills, academic training, and years of dedication.
Not true. All it really takes is a deadline – a very, very tight deadline – and a whole lot of coffee.

Welcome to National Novel Writing Month: a nonprofit literary crusade that encourages aspiring novelists all over the world to write a 50,000-word novel in a month. At midnight on Nov. 1, more than 100,000 writers from over 70 countries – poised over laptops and pads of paper, fingers itching and minds racing with plots and characters – will begin a furious adventure in fiction. By 11:59 PM on Nov. 30, thousands of them will be novelists.

NaNoWriMo is the largest writing contest in the world. In 2006, over 79,000 people took part in the free challenge. And while the event stresses fun and creative exploration over publication, sixteen NaNoWriMo novelists have had their NaNo-novels published, including Sarah Gruen, author of New York Times #1 Best Seller, Water for Elephants.

Around 18% of NaNoWriMo participants "win" every year by writing 50,000 words and validating their novels on the organization's website before midnight on Nov 30. Winners receive no prizes, and no one at NaNoWriMo ever sees the manuscripts submitted.So if not for fame or fortune, why do people do it?

"The 50,000-word challenge has a wonderful way of opening up your imagination and unleashing creative potential like nothing else," says NaNoWriMo Director (and eight-time NaNoWriMo winner) Chris Baty. "When you write for quantity instead of quality, you end up getting both. Also, it's a great excuse for not doing any dishes for a month."

For the past eight years, Baty has sent out weekly pep talks to participants in November. This year, he's passing the pep talking torch to established authors, including mystery writer Sue Grafton, master storyteller Tom Robbins, and renowned fantasy writer Neil Gaiman.

Last year, Christee Gabour Atwood attracted national attention as she completed 50,000-word challenge in the window of a Waldenbooks while wearing a chicken suit.

Why? “Because I knew that someday someone would beat the record of writing a book in a store window, but I doubted that anyone else would be silly enough to do it in a chicken suit. It’s my moment in history … as pitiful as that sounds.”

Atwood is keeping her 2007 “NaNo Identity” secret at this time and plans to reveal it in the window of Waldenbooks in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on November 1.

The daily word-count goal is 1,667 words. Municipal Liaisons around the world organize local meetings to provide writers with advice, inspiration, and support. This year Atwood serves as the ML for much of the state of Louisiana.If you would like more information about National Novel Writing Month, or would like to talk to participants from NaNoWriMo chapters in your area, please visit our website at www.NaNoWriMo.org, or contact Christee Gabour Atwood at Christee@Christee.biz to find out about NaNoWriMo events in Louisiana.

Nikki Leigh
Author of the Book Promo 101 Series