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Friday, February 20, 2009

Would You Like Educated Suggestions About Who to Follow on Twitter?

This is a neat free service that I use on Twitter. Do you ever wonder if there is an easy way to narrow down all those people on Twitter to know who YOU would like to follow? I did too.

Try this http://mrtweet.net -- subscribe to their service and once a month, you will get a direct mail tweet that gives you a link to a full report about your activity, which followers you aren't following and suggestions on people that could appeal to you. I really like that they give you statistics about the people they suggest - like whether they follow people, if they communicate and maybe most important - the average number of tweets they send per day.

You should check it out and see if it will help you :)

This is my monthly update to show you a sample -


Twitteristics Automatically refreshed monthly

30 Updates/Day
Tweets 12X as much as the Twitter founders!

Engaging in Conversation 79% of the time
Very Engaging (Way above average)

Posting 19% Links
Good Connector (Above average)

When you try it out - let me know what you think :)

Nikki Leigh

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