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Sunday, March 8, 2009

New Facebook Pages -- Instructions and Add Twitter to Your Page

Have you noticed that the "page" layouts on Facebook have been changed and they look much more like the profiles? There was an old guide for the old pages - but this is the link for an updated page guide for Facebook - www.facebook.com/advertising/FacebookPagesProductGuide.pdf

What will you do with your new "page"? You can also add a Twitter feed to your profile and to your individual pages - to keep FB visitors up to date on what you're tweeting about :)

Add Twitter to Your Facebook Page -

Go to http://apps.facebook.com/twitter/ and click to add the application to your "page". You can then choose which page or pages you want to add the application to - then when you post updates on Twitter, they will be posted to your Facebook "page" too.

Nikki Leigh

Nikki Leigh

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