The latest posts and all old posts from this blog have been moved -- http://promo101tips.wordpress.com Please visit us there for the most up to date promotional ideas, tips and articles.

Monday, March 23, 2009

A Plethora Of Facebook Links From Kathleen Gage

I got an email from Kathleen Gage over the weekend as a follow up to a program I was in with her. At the end of the message she included some great links to videos to help people learn more about Facebook and it seemed like great information to share here. So, I'm including the links below. Feel free to let me know which one you think helped you the most :)

Nikki Leigh

Below are the links to the videos. Well worth watching.

How to Register and Join Facebook

How to Use Facebook : How to Use the Account Page on Facebook

How to Use Facebook : How to Use your Facebook Homepage

How to Use Facebook : How to Use the "Wall" on your Facebook Page

How to Use Facebook : How to Find, Invite, & Add Friends on Facebook

How to Use Facebook : Learn More About Facebook Through its Site tour

How to Use Facebook : How to Create a Slideshow on Facebook with your Photos

In success,

Kathleen Gage



The 10 Commandments of the Entrepreneurial Author

I just saw this on David Hancock's blog and had to share. What do you think of the entrepreneurial author's ten commandments??

The 10 Commandments of the Entrepreneurial Author

1. Create books, products and services that you can market with pride and passion.
2. Remember that you are in the service of your ideas, your books and your readers.
3. Establish an annual marketing budget that reflects your belief in the importance of marketing and enables you to carry out your promotion plan.
4. Devote the same time, energy and imagination to promoting your books every day that you devoted to writing them.
5. Foster and sustain warm, giving relationships with your networks.
6. Maintain the perspective of a one-person multimedia, multinational conglomerate when you make decisions about writing and promoting your books.
7. Be a lifelong learner in your field and in learning to market your business so you remain competitive.
8. Use state-of-the-art techniques and technology to serve your readers better.
9. Recommend competitors’ books if they will meet readers’ needs in ways that yours don’t.
10. Practice “co-opetition” by seeking ways to benefit from collaborating with your competitors.

Of course, give more than your readers expect, which is why I’m going to do the same with 10 more…
11. Always over deliver with the content of your books, seminars, talks, etc.
12. Make your marketing efforts creative and consistent enough to position yourself as one of the top authors in your field.
13. Welcome change as an opportunity to find ideas and improve your business and your life.
14. Make selling your books to new readers the start of a lifelong relationship.
15. Encourage readers to contact you, and regard this as an opportunity to serve them, to help attract new readers through word of mouth and to publicize everything you can offer them.
16. Welcome the chance to say thank you and reward those who help you.
17. Let your decisions reflect harmonious short- and long-term personal and professional goals that make you eager to get up in the morning.
18. Ask the people involved with your books and your business to help you keep these commandments.
19. Strive to create harmony between what you think, say and do, without crossing the line between being righteous and self-righteous.
20. Understand that marketing begins once you’ve made the sale and that a mind numbing 68 percent of all business lost is due to apathy after the sale.

Originally posted at http://morganjamespublishing.ning.com/profiles/blogs/the-10-commandments-of-the?xgs=1

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Nadene Carter of NorLights Press Shares Her Comments About Book Promo 201

I’m so excited about this book! When Nikki first introduced me to her Web 2.0 marketing ideas, it felt like learning a new language. Nikki assured me, a better analogy was that of learning a new dialect. This has proven to be true.

Nikki has years of marketing experience, which makes her ideally suited as author of this book. She provides lots of ideas and hands-on information. This allows the reader to pick and choose those ideas that feel right for the marketing of his/her book.

Some of the things I found especially helpful for me: I’d come to a point in my professional life where I knew I needed to step out of my comfort zone. Using Nikki’s information on social networking, I opened a facebook account and started reading other people’s posts: authors, readers’ groups, and people from many walks of life, and networking with other people. By actually doing the work, I gained an understanding of how useful social networking can be.

Also, some time ago I started a blog for each of my three published books. Now that I’m co-owner of NorLightsPress.com I recognized that I needed to create a blog for our company and make it a priority to post often and provide useful information.

That required me to step WAY out of my comfort zone to learn about twitter and other social bookmarking sites. Nikki goes into this in great detail in her book. I hope readers find it as fascinating as I do. It’s true what Nikki says about learning by simply jumping in and doing it. Experience really is the best teacher with this new technology.

If you’ve ever wondered how the pros create “buzz” for their books, you’ll find the answers inside the pages of this book.

Nadene R. Carter, published author and

Executive Publisher - NorLightsPress.com

For more information about Book Promo 201 Harness the Power of the Internet with Web 2.0 and Social Media Marketing - http://www.nikkileigh.com/book_promo_201.htm you can also register to be notified when it is available.

Author Elena Dorothy Bowman Shares Her Review for Book Promo 201

Nikki Leigh's Online Book Promotion 201 is one fantastic book that will be a boon to any author, professional or novice. It is loaded with fact–finding information that will help any author who reads it to perfect their marketing techniques. The book itself reads smoothly, completely geared to those not heavily technically oriented and is easy to follow and understand. It is and will be a wonderful reference tool for any author who is willing to use it to its fullest extent. I recommend this book highly for all authors, including myself.

Elena Dorothy Bowman -
Author of The Sarah's Landing Series, The Legacy Series, Time-Rift, The Odyssey and The Imposter

For more information about Book Promo 201 Harness the Power of the Internet with Web 2.0 and Social Media Marketing - http://www.nikkileigh.com/book_promo_201.htm you can also register to be notified when it is available.

Author and Promo Guru Yvonne Perry Reviewed Book Promo 201

The world of online promotion can be confusing, especially for first-time authors who are unfamiliar with the technical aspects of blogging and the new frontier of social networking also known as Web 2.0 technology. So, why do so many people use the Internet to promote books? The exposure an author can have is virtually unlimited, most of the options are free or cost very little, and an author can reach people around the world without leaving home—that’s if you know where to connect with readers and what sites and activities bring the best results both financially and personally.

Nikki Leigh has taken the guess work out of online promotion including Web 2.0 technology. She starts with the basics of online promotion and expands by presenting a variety of promotional options. She gives examples to help you Identify your target market and create a brand, write for your target audience, and know your competition. Then, she defines Web 2.0 and tells what it takes to utilize the technology without spending all day online. She carries her instruction a step farther and deals with viral marketing–what is it and how can it help an author—and includes tips for joining social sites that focus on books and authors. There is even a list of sites that offer free or low-cost services where authors may upload book videos, get book reviews, start their own podcast, or be a guest on a radio show.

Book Promo 201 is a must-have toolbox for authors who need a quick and easy map to locate the best-kept secrets of online promotion.

Yvonne Perry, Owner of Writers in the Sky Creative Services http://writersinthesky.com

For more information about Book Promo 201 Harness the Power of the Internet with Web 2.0 and Social Media Marketing - http://www.nikkileigh.com/book_promo_201.htm you can also register to be notified when it is available.

Book Promo 101 Review by Gurutej - The Energy Guru

Who can benefit from Nikki Leigh’s latest book – Book Promo 201: Promote Using the Internet and Web 2.0? Everyone who needs and wants to learn more about that mysterious sounding technology – Web 2.0, should read this book. I have been blessed to work with Nikki and I can tell you she makes those who are slow to grasp web 2.0 feel hopeful. Trust me she has seen me through what felt like treacherous waters and made them calm and inviting. Nikki is very knowledgeable and a very clear web 2.0 teacher. Her book takes this big weird world of Web 2.0 and makes it friendly and understandable. This book is her gift to the world and like her private teachings it is clear, simple and a steal at this price. Be smart buy your copy now and it is a great gift for your friends that are struggling to get a handle on social media, social networking and Web 2.0. I consider this to be the Web 2.0 bible and I keep it close to my computer for easy reference.

Gurutej, Owner and Founder of The Energy Gurus and The Blessings Center

www.theenergygurus.com and www.gurutej.com

For more information about Book Promo 201 Harness the Power of the Internet with Web 2.0 and Social Media Marketing - http://www.nikkileigh.com/book_promo_201.htm you can also register to be notified when it is available.

Book Promo 101 Review from Author & Publisher Philip Harris

Nikki Leigh’s latest book, Book Promo 201 brings together the ‘best of the best” in book marketing. If you want to be an author, or already have books in print, this book should be a permanent fixture by your computer. From Web 2.0 to blog tours, branding, on-line promotion, social networking, internet radio, trailers viral marketing and tons more, this book shows you how and where to market your book. It will be a constant reference for both novices and pros.


For more information about Book Promo 201 Harness the Power of the Internet with Web 2.0 and Social Media Marketing - http://www.nikkileigh.com/book_promo_201.htm you can also register to be notified when it is available.

My Book Was Called - Book Promo for Dummies

That was a side comment - this is the review -- thank you to Shobhan for taking the time to do a review for me :)

“In today’s cyber world, Nikki Leigh’s BOOK PROMO 201 is a beacon of hope for technically challenged authors who want to make optimum use of the Web to promote and market their books. Leigh’s primer is the most comprehensive yet easy to follow book marketing tool I have come across.”

----Shobhan Bantwal, author of THE DOWRY BRIDE and THE FORBIDDEN DAUGHTER.

For more information about Book Promo 201 Harness the Power of the Internet with Web 2.0 and Social Media Marketing - http://www.nikkileigh.com/book_promo_201.htm you can also register to be notified when it is available.

Reviews for Book Promo Are Starting to Come In and The Title

I'm starting to get early reviews for Book Promo 201 and I'm going to post some to share them.

We also decided on the official title today -- for some reason I have an easier time naming my novels. But, after tossing around different ideas for far too long, this is the official title -

Book Promo 201 - Harness the Power of the Internet With Web 2.0 and Social Media Marketing

Its long, but it says everything that I want the title to say ---

Any thoughts about the title?

For more information about Book Promo 201 Harness the Power of the Internet with Web 2.0 and Social Media Marketing - http://www.nikkileigh.com/book_promo_201.htm you can also register to be notified when it is available.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

New Facebook Pages -- Instructions and Add Twitter to Your Page

Have you noticed that the "page" layouts on Facebook have been changed and they look much more like the profiles? There was an old guide for the old pages - but this is the link for an updated page guide for Facebook - www.facebook.com/advertising/FacebookPagesProductGuide.pdf

What will you do with your new "page"? You can also add a Twitter feed to your profile and to your individual pages - to keep FB visitors up to date on what you're tweeting about :)

Add Twitter to Your Facebook Page -

Go to http://apps.facebook.com/twitter/ and click to add the application to your "page". You can then choose which page or pages you want to add the application to - then when you post updates on Twitter, they will be posted to your Facebook "page" too.

Nikki Leigh

Nikki Leigh

Oragnize and Update Social Network Presence with One Tool

Does that sounds too good to be true? Well, it is for the moment :)

I just heard about this site and service today http://www.atomkeep.com - but.... they are making major changes and are not accepting new users. However, I didn't want the info to get lost in the shuffle - so I'm posting it now and will try to keep an eye open for them to start accepting users again - if anyone hears before I do, feel free to let me know. I'm anxious to try it out :)

Do You Forget Where You Have an Account

Over time, it is very easy for all of us to lose track of the social networks where we have an account. I just saw this in an article - (http://mashable.com/2009/03/07/manage-multiple-profiles) and it talks about www.checkusernames.com - simply go to the site, enter your username and it shows the site with that user name. To show you an example - this is my list. The sites highlighted in yellow are my most common username and the ones in blue are other usernames. The copy and pasted version isn't as attractive as the website, but I think you will get the idea of how it works :)

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